Fractional CTO & CIO

Drive Organizational Growth With a Strategic Partner

Technology is no longer a critical expense; it’s a competitive necessity. When leveraged correctly, it’s a key to improving your company’s productivity, processes, competitiveness, and customer conversions. It’s essential for long-term growth and success. Fully capitalizing on the power of today’s technology solutions requires executive-level guidance and expertise. Namely, it requires the strategic leadership of a veteran Chief Information/Technology Officer, a resource not available to most mid-market companies. Until now.

With Outsourced CIO Services from SC&H, we provide insight, perspective and experience from senior executives dedicated to aligning technology strategy with your organizational strategy and objectives. We create strategic technology plans, optimize technology spend, focus IT priorities, and implement enterprise-level solutions.

Strategic Guidance for Short- and Long-Term Success

To provide high-quality outsourced CIO services, an advisor must have a detailed understanding of not only your business strategy and technology opportunities, but also how to address them. We have that. Our senior executives average 15 years or more of proven CIO/CTO experience in various industries. Each has deep business acumen and technology subject matter expertise, as well as a long history of employing technology solutions to drive business growth.

Fully capitalizing on the power of today’s technology solutions requires executive-level guidance and expertise. Namely, it requires the strategic leadership of a veteran Chief Information/Technology Officer, a resource not available to most mid-market companies. Backed by our depth of CIO expertise and technology resources, we have a track record of partnering with companies to:

Develop clear technology strategies built for success

Fully align technology solutions supporting core business goals

Implement business technology solutions that serve the organizational vision

Identify and address technology and information security issues

talk with an expert

A Trusted Extension of Your Organization

At SC&H, we understand the impact technology can have on your business future. The members of our Technology Advisory Services team view themselves as an extension of your leadership team, recognizing that superior service, open communication, and continuity are key to our mutual success.

By engaging SC&H, you’ll partner with proven executives, each with the insight and dedication to help position your business for success. Contact us today to learn how organizations are leveraging our outsourced CIO model to achieve seamless, long-term enhancements in productivity, savings, security, and growth leveraging today’s technology solutions and services.

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